Press Releases
Unbound Now Presents Congressman Sessions Three Keys Award for Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking
January 24, 2023
Washington D.C.– Unbound Now, the Waco-founded global non-profit supporting survivors and resourcing communities to fight human trafficking, presented the Three Key Award to Members of Congress who have demonstrated consistent leadership to end human trafficking in the United States. Among the members receiving the award is Congressman Pete Sessions (TX-17). Congressman Sessions, a senior Republican, has a long track record combating human trafficking in Congress since 1997.
The month of January is marked as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Since 2010, our national leaders have made this designation to raise awareness for anti-human trafficking efforts and signs of the vile industry. In 2000, Congress passed H.R.3244 - the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TPVA), enshrining the United States’ commitment to combating human trafficking domestically and internationally. Congressman Sessions remains one of the few members of the 118th Congress to vote in favor of TPVA. Recently, Sessions was also an advocate of S.3470 - End Human Trafficking in Government Contracts Act of 2022, which requires federal agencies to terminate the contract of a recipient engaged in human trafficking.
Congressman Sessions said during his remarks at the event, “There are characteristics of someone in distress and characteristics of people who are taking advantage of others… Just as when I was a young man who wanted to get involved and volunteer, I hope you will feel that call also. A call that has deep meaning and is right in front of your eyes… [That calling] is here in your community where you are from… [Unbound Now] doesn’t just want to open your eyes but also wants your help. It is my hope that the stories you have heard are compelling and that you would place yourself in a position to help impact your community."