Press Releases

Washington D.C.– On Tuesday, United States Attorney General Merrick Garland circulated a proposal to reclassify marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III under the Controlled Substances Act. This was done after it was announced that the Drug and Enforcement Administration (DEA) will recommend the White House to reschedule marijuana as a less dangerous drug. Following those reports, Marijuana has been designated as a Schedule I drug since 1970, due to its high potential for abuse.

Their imminent recommendation is even more alarming when considering the underreported dangers of marijuana and high-potency THC products. The potential reclassification would also provide patronage to drug cartels and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), who have illicit marijuana farms in several states across the country.

Last September, Congressman Sessions led a bicameral letter urging the DEA not to remove marijuana from the list of Schedule I drugs. In February, he led a bicameral and bipartisan letter to United States Attorney General Merrick Garland, with 49 other Members of Congress and Senators to raise awareness of illicit CCP-affiliated marijuana cultivation operations in the United States and asked the DOJ to articulate a plan to respond to these illicit operations.

Congressman Sessions also introduced H.Con.Res 87- “Randy’s Resolution” to raise public awareness of the risks associated with marijuana and high-potency THC products.

Marijuana with high levels of THC is not only more addictive, but also more dangerous, especially for children and young adults. The rescheduling of marijuana will lead to more illicit marijuana farms to produce dangerous strains of marijuana that will be then sold to children and adults alike throughout the United States. The black market for marijuana will continue to grow even with rescheduling. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has linked marijuana use to thoughts or feelings of anxiety and paranoia and higher THC levels make it more likely to develop temporary psychosis and long-lasting mental disorders, including schizophrenia, suicidal thoughts, suicidal attempts, and suicide.

“I cannot be more disappointed in the Biden Administration’s complete disregard for the science and public safety concerns behind marijuana declassification,” said Congressman Pete Sessions. “There is no evidence that conclusively proves that marijuana improves mental health, in fact the opposite is true. Many marijuana and high-potency THC products have not undergone FDA approval and contain harmful heavy metals, harsh solvents, and dangerous chemicals, posing a serious health risk.”

“The Biden Administration is ignoring the public safety concerns regarding marijuana declassification. Many of the twenty-four states that have already made recreational marijuana legal, such as Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and California, have seen an increase in violent crime since legalization.”

“The rescheduling of marijuana dishonors the families who have lost loved ones to marijuana-related illnesses and accidents. As the most anti-marijuana Member of Congress, I promise to fight to overturn this negligent and dangerous decision by the Biden Administration.” 

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