Project Name: Calvert East Water System Replacement

Requested amount: $2,250,000

Intended recipient: City of Calvert, Texas

Address of recipient: 620 Main Street, P.O. Box 505, Calvert, TX 77837

Project description: This funding would be used to replace the 100-year-old water transmission infrastructure in part of the city, including water lines servicing schools and a section of Housing Authority residences. The current water system is inadequate due to high loss rate, inadequate fire suppression, lead couplings recommended for removal by EPA, and overall degradation and age of system.


Project Name: Livestock Sustainability Monitoring Network at the McGregor Research Station

Requested amount: $3,000,000

Intended recipient: Texas A&M AgriLife Research, McGregor Research Center

Address of recipient: 773 Ag Farm Road, McGregor, TX 76657

Project description: This funding would be used to implement a statewide monitoring network headquartered at the McGregor Research Center for losses of carbon and nitrogen from rangelands, pastures, and cattle feeding, supplemented with region-specific measurement systems for the emissions and waste products (e. g., manure, wastewater).

Project Name: Flat Creek Reuse Project

Requested amount: $5,000,000

Intended recipient: City of Waco, Texas

Address of recipient: 300 Austin Avenue, Waco, TX 76702

Project description: This funding would be utilized as part of the Flat Creek Reuse Project, to reuse highly treated effluent. Once completed, this project will add 7.5 million gallons per day of treated water for use by businesses in the City of Waco and surrounding areas in McLennan County. Specifically, the funds will be used to install a new storage tank and pumps to be located at the Waco Regional Wastewater Treatment plan, as well as new storage tanks and distribution pumps at the Waco Industrial Park. This reuse project will supply treated effluent to businesses in the Waco Industrial Park for purposes for which drinking water is currently being used – for both irrigation and industrial purposes. Effluent will be treated before it is pumped into the system for reuse. The service area for this project will cover the entire Waco Industrial Park, which is approximately 3,600 acres and is home to over 50 manufacturers and commercial businesses.


Project Name: Old McGregor Road/Highway 84 Water Capacity Enhancement

Requested amount: $1,217,786

Intended recipient: City of Woodway, Texas

Address of recipient: 922 Estates Drive, Woodway, TX, 76712

Project description: This funding would be used to replace the aging existing water line with a higher capacity 12-inch diameter water line along Old McGregor Road/Highway 84. This line is critical to the City’s ability to receive water from the Waco water system and thus to sustain growing demand for the City of Woodway.


Project Name: N.B. Davidson Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation

Requested amount: $3,880,000

Intended recipient: City of Huntsville, Texas

Address of recipient: 1212 Avenue M, Huntsville, TX 77340

Project description: This funding would be used to make necessary improvements and rehabilitation work at the City of Huntsville’s N.B. Davidson Wastewater Treatment Plant. This request will be used to install a new headworks to allow for additional capacity and complete redundancy. The rehabilitation project will supply necessary increased water capacity to accommodate the population while also maintaining clean water quality standards in the Lake Conroe and Elkins Lake.

Project name: Arctic Acclimatization & Sleep Optimization (ARKTOS) Research Center

Requested amount: $2,000,000

Intended recipient: Baylor University

Address of recipient: One Bear Place #97133, Waco, TX 76798

Project description: This project request would fund the development of a research and testing facility to develop rapid acclimatization protocols and technologies, human-machine teaming, and group dynamics in multi-stressor arctic environments by examining sleep, cognitive and physical performance during mountaineering, marksmanship, flight, mining, and construction tasks needed to achieve national dominance in the arctic. This lab will conduct basic, translational, and applied research with the sole focus on accelerating the acclimatization process and performance optimization of military in complex, multi-stressor environments to solidify dominance of the United States and its allies in future multi-domain theatres of conflict.


Project name: Material Science Laboratory

Requested amount: $2,350,000

Intended recipient: Baylor University

Address of recipient: One Bear Place #97133, Waco, TX 76798

Project description: This funding would be used to support an expansion of Baylor’s materials testing capabilities through the purchase of additional equipment that will be used by multiple research programs across Baylor’s campus. The expansion proposed in this project allows for new areas of metallurgical testing and component inspection by providing non-destructive testing systems and equipment to allow researchers to understand and study the composition of metals and other materials, as well as test their durability, without compromising their structures. Research and development of advanced materials is noted several times throughout this section of the authorizing code section, and this project would support those research activities given its investment in materials development.


Project name: East Texas Law Enforcement Training Project

Requested amount: $1,136,985

Intended recipient: Sam Houston State University

Address of recipient: 2424 Sam Houston Avenue, Suite B-8, Box 2448, Huntsville, Texas 77340

Project description: This request would be used to stand up a regional training project to prepare law enforcement and corrections agencies with the skills and tools necessary to better utilize data and inform decisions. Further, the project will provide law enforcement with in-depth training and tools related to de-escalation tactics to prepare them for potentially violent situations. This project will enhance officer and citizen safety by providing law enforcement agencies throughout Texas’s 17th Congressional District with quality and accessible law enforcement training, technical assistance, and crime analysis.

Project name: East Texas Maintenance Facility

Requested amount: $1,000,000

Intended recipient: Brazos Transit District

Address of recipient: 2117 Nuches Lane, Bryan TX 77803

Project description: This request would be used to construct an East Texas Maintenance Facility for the Brazos Transit District’s East Texas operations in Nacogdoches and Angelina Counties. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will maximize operating time for BTD vehicles in East Texas and ensure reliable and safe service for riders and the traveling public.


Project name: Future I-69/U.S. 59/U.S. 259 Interchange Reconstruction

Requested amount: $3,000,000

Intended recipient: City of Nacogdoches, Texas

Address of recipient: 202 East Pilar Street, Nacogdoches, TX 75961

Project description: This funding would be used to reconstruct the existing US 59/US 259 interchange to allow safer and more efficient traffic flow between US 59 and US 259. The project will bring the interchange to Interstate standards, allowing it to be connected to the Interstate 69 corridor. Completion of this project will enhance mobility, safety, and cargo transport along the future Interstate 69 corridor.


Project name: Southeast Loop Connection Project

Requested amount: $10,000,000

Intended recipient: Williamson County, Texas

Address of recipient: 710 S. Main Street, Ste. 101, Georgetown, TX 78626

Project description: This funding would be used for the construction of a frontage road to complete the Southeast Loop connection between SH 130 and US 79. The project will increase mobility and connectivity for local residents to jobs, schools, and retail areas. This project will provide a critical route for residents to access nearby jobs at the developing significant commercial and industrial facilities and will link state roadways to economic generators such as the RCR Freight Facility and the City of Hutto Industrial Mega Site.


Project name: Angelina County Airport Runway Extension

Requested amount: $4,883,220

Intended recipient: Angelina County Airport

Address of recipient: 800 Airport Blvd, Burke, TX 75941

Project description: This request would fund initial stages of runway expansion – to include land acquisition, surveying, and environmental studies. This project will enable the airport to accommodate larger aircraft and therefore enhance economic development opportunities in Lufkin, Angelina County, and deep East Texas. Additionally, this airport is one of two transportation hubs for FEMA hurricane relief supplies to be delivered to the Texas Gulf Coast.


Project name: City of Waco STEM Center

Requested amount: $5,000,000

Intended recipient: City of Waco, Texas

Address of recipient: 300 Austin Avenue, Waco, TX 76702

Project description: This funding would be used to retrofit the existing Bledsoe-Miller Recreational Center on the Brazos River to house a new STEM Center.  This STEM Center would increase access to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics focused field-based learning experiences.  In addition to the K-12 after-school programming linked to STEM careers, the new STEM Center will support Title I school activities to include as field trips, encouraging citizen science projects, and integrated maker activities.


Project name: Speegleville Road Bridge over the Middle Bosque River Bridge Replacement

Requested amount: $5,000,000

Intended recipient: City of Waco, Texas

Address of recipient: 300 Austin Avenue, Waco, TX 76702

Project description: This funding would be used to replace the functionally obsolete two-lane bridge on Speegleville Road with a four-lane bridge including shoulders and sidewalks. The project will include roadway alignment to accommodate bridge widening. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because traffic is significantly increased on the bridge as a result of the nearby River Valley Intermediate School transitioning to River Valley Middle School, and subsequently increasing the student population to 1,300.


Project name: Sanger Heights Housing Development

Requested amount: $3,000,000

Intended recipient: City of Waco, Texas

Address of recipient: 300 Austin Avenue, Waco, TX 76702

Project description: This funding would be used to complete rehabilitation and infrastructure improvements as part of the Sanger Heights Housing Development project which will include twenty-six homes, fourteen of which will be for low-and-moderate income families.